Jeff Adams,
Bandon Patriot:
In Memoriom
Our good friend and brother Jeff Adams was taken from us suddenly on April 22, 2021 in a traffic incident beyond his control.
In the brief seven months of his involvement with Citizens Restoring Liberty, Jeff proved a worthy ally; he was rich in knowledge as he was in wisdom; perfectly direct, unafraid to speak truth or to demand accountability, yet always with love and temperance. His illustrative questions and informed input were valued among us at CRL, and his presence will be sorely missed. He made us all better.
Many times, Jeff stood quietly along the highway with us - rain or shine - holding a sign with some clear truth on it and smiling his testimony for all, equally. Many times he asked a pointed question that redirected one’s thoughts. Many times he asked a question to which no answer was obviously right. By now, some of those questions are being answered for Jeff, and doubtless he is advocating for the rest of us Patriots and others he has left behind.
Our consolation is found in Jeff’s unyielding passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and its promise of life eternal for all who would believe Him. Jeff believed. We look forward to seeing him again, in that great cloud of witnesses where these earthly, evil battles where we were honored to fight alongside him will be no more.
We will miss you, Jeff.