We can do it, but we MUST do it TOGETHER.
Join us for networking & discussion in-person Fridays @ 6:30 pm.
Link virtually on Telegram for information sharing @CitizensRestoringLiberty
Join our facebook group: Citizens Restoring Liberty
Watch the World's Worst Webcast Sunday @ 5pm on Rumble
Friday Meetings are held at 89 North Ave NE, Bandon Ore.
Restoration Worship Center
Citizens Restoring Liberty has started a campaign to raise money for Tim Foley & Arizona Border Recon.
Support Arizona Border Recall, CLICK HERE to donate.
The CRL "Worst Webcast in the World" will stream a new episode live each Sunday afternoon on Rumble.com. We discuss current events, old ideas, inspirational interactions, and a little bit of periodic ridiculosity. Webcasts are available for re-streaming after the live cast has ended. Our channel can be found at:
Telegram: @CitizensRestoringLiberty
We ALL MUST HANG TOGETHER on these crucial issues, or soon we will all hang separately. Pray the Lord will see us through these daunting times. Aside from our own fortitude, He is our best and only hope to restore this republic to its rightful foundations.
Call and email Kate Brownshirt to give her your opinion on local matters and remind her that Oregonians outside the metro area are ready to stand up for their rights!
(503) 378-4582 https://Oregon.gov/Pages/share-your-opinion.aspx
Awareness items
"Trump Won" Car Magnets - $10
"Take Back Your Rights" Yard Signs - $10
"Unmask Oregon" sticker - $2
*Suggested Donations
Abundant Bread of Salvation
Brian Slater, joined us from Israel to share his mission in Israel, to learn more visit Abundant Bread of Salvation.
Kaffe 101 has stood fast and strong through the entire plandemic, inspiring many others to join the fight. Now, they find themselves in need of repairs and short of funds to complete them. Consider stopping in to make a contribution to their repair fund. Buy some coffee or food while you're at it, and remember to thank Teka for her courageous stand for freedom.
Private Members Associations
For anyone who missed the meeting at Kaffe 101 with Mike about creating a private members association, check out the videos on his website to learn more about turning your skills/business into a PMA: https://thepmateam.club/services
Salem Sept. 18th
The gathering at the State Capital on Sept. 18 saw 3,000 or more people standing up together to reject injection mandates. It was an incredible day with an inspiring address by our own Maddie Nighswonger. The CRL booth was far and away the biggest, best, and most attended at the event!
​Parents Summit
Friday's Oregon Parents Summit at CRL was a success, with the last people leaving at 10pm! Thanks and kudos to all who contributed to the program.
Paul Romero for Governor
Thank you Paul Romero for speaking at our Citizens Meeting on 6/18. Learn more about his campaign for Governor 2022 at https://www.romerofororegon.com/
Stan Pulliam for Governor
Mayor Stan Pulliam of Sandy visted Coos Bay to speak at Cafe 101 on 7/31 about his visions for the state as he explores a run for Governor. Learn more about his campaign for Governor 2022 at https://www.stanpulliam.org/